diff --git a/PepperBet/Glicko.vb b/PepperBet/Glicko.vb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..48c0b40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PepperBet/Glicko.vb
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+Public Class Glicko
+ 'This constant defines how RD increases over time, higher=faster
+ Private Const c = 0.6
+ 'Minimum RD (to ensure liquidity)
+ Private Const RDmin = 30
+ 'Defined as part of the Glicko system
+ Private Const q = 0.005756462732485
+ Enum Tiers
+ Unknown
+ Potato
+ B
+ A
+ S
+ X
+ End Enum
+ Property K As Double
+ Private _RD As Double
+ Property RD As Double
+ Set(value As Double)
+ If value < RDmin Then
+ _RD = RDmin
+ Else
+ _RD = value
+ End If
+ End Set
+ Get
+ Return _RD
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ Property Name As String
+ Property LastMatch As Long
+ Property Tier As Tiers = Tiers.Unknown
+ ReadOnly Property TierString As String
+ Get
+ Select Case Me.Tier
+ Case Tiers.A
+ Return " A "
+ Case Tiers.B
+ Return " B "
+ Case Tiers.Potato
+ Return " P "
+ Case Tiers.S
+ Return " S"
+ Case Tiers.X
+ Return " X "
+ Case Tiers.Unknown
+ Return "U "
+ End Select
+ Return ""
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ ReadOnly Property TierLetter As String
+ Get
+ Select Case Me.Tier
+ Case Tiers.A
+ Return "A"
+ Case Tiers.B
+ Return "B"
+ Case Tiers.Potato
+ Return "P"
+ Case Tiers.S
+ Return "S"
+ Case Tiers.X
+ Return "X"
+ Case Tiers.Unknown
+ Return "U"
+ End Select
+ Return ""
+ End Get
+ End Property
+ '''
+ ''' Updates this Glicko rating after a match. MAKE SURE TO COPY THE OPPONENT BEFORE UPDATING
+ '''
+ ''' Opponent that was faced
+ ''' Did this Glicko win? Draw=0.5
+ ''' Match number of this match
+ '''
+ Private Sub Update(opp() As Glicko, win() As Double, t As Long)
+ Dim E As Double = 0
+ Dim g As Double = 0
+ Dim dsum As Double = 0
+ Dim rsum As Double = 0
+ For i = 0 To opp.Count - 1
+ g = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (3 * Math.Pow(q, 2) * Math.Pow(opp(i).RD, 2)) / Math.Pow(Math.PI, 2))
+ E = 1 / (1 + Math.Pow(10, (g * (Me.K - opp(i).K)) / -400))
+ dsum += Math.Pow(g, 2) * E * (1 - E)
+ rsum += g * (win(i) - E)
+ Next
+ Dim dsq As Double = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(q, 2) * dsum, -1)
+ Me.K = Me.K + (q / ((1 / Math.Pow(Me.RD, 2)) + (1 / dsq))) * rsum
+ Me.RD = Math.Max(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((1 / Math.Pow(Me.RD, 2)) + (1 / dsq), -1)), 30)
+ Me.LastMatch = t
+ End Sub
+ Public Shared Sub UpdateBatch(a As Glicko, b As Glicko, Acount As Integer, Bcount As Integer, t As Long, Optional Dcount As Integer = 0)
+ Dim total As Integer = Acount + Bcount + Dcount
+ Dim Aresults(total - 1) As Double
+ Dim aopps(total - 1) As Glicko
+ Dim Bresults(total - 1) As Double
+ Dim bopps(total - 1) As Glicko
+ Dim upset As Boolean = False
+ Dim confidence As Double = Conf(a, b)
+ Dim tempb As New Glicko("", -1)
+ tempb.K = b.K
+ tempb.RD = b.RD
+ For i = 0 To total - 1
+ aopps(i) = tempb
+ bopps(i) = a
+ Next
+ For i = 0 To Acount - 1
+ Aresults(i) = 1
+ Next
+ For i = Acount To Acount + Bcount - 1
+ Bresults(i) = 1
+ Next
+ For i = Acount + Bcount To total - 1
+ Aresults(i) = 0.5
+ Bresults(i) = 0.5
+ Next
+ If (Aresults.Average > 0.5 And b.K > a.K) Or (Bresults.Average > 0.5 And a.K > b.K) Then
+ upset = True
+ End If
+ b.Update(bopps, Bresults, t)
+ a.Update(aopps, Aresults, t)
+ 'My custom RD-increasing function in case of upsets
+ 'Note this increases after Glicko's decrease, so they oppose each other
+ 'If upset = True Then
+ ' 'U-factor is upset factor, the maximum possible increase in RD for a character if we trusted the results 100% accurately
+ ' Dim aUfactor As Double = u * a.RD * (confidence ^ e)
+ ' Dim bUfactor As Double = u * b.RD * (confidence ^ e)
+ ' 'F-factor is the fluke factor, more rounds means it's less of a fluke and we should increase more
+ ' Dim Ffactor As Double = 1 - (1 / (Aresults.Count + f))
+ ' 'C-factor is the closeness factor, close matches are weighted less (5-0 more increase than 5-4)
+ ' Dim Cfactor As Double = (Math.Max(Aresults.Average, Bresults.Average) - 0.5) * 2
+ ' a.RD = Math.Min(350, a.RD + (aUfactor * Ffactor * Cfactor))
+ ' b.RD = Math.Min(350, b.RD + (bUfactor * Ffactor * Cfactor))
+ 'End If
+ End Sub
+ '''
+ ''' Time-decays RD in preperation for a match
+ '''
+ ''' Current match number
+ '''
+ Public Sub Prep(t As Long)
+ Me.RD = Math.Min(350, Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Me.RD, 2) + Math.Pow(c, 2) * (t - Me.LastMatch)))
+ End Sub
+ Public Sub New(name As String, t As Long)
+ Me.K = 1500
+ Me.RD = 350
+ Me.Name = name
+ Me.LastMatch = t
+ End Sub
+ Public Function GenerateXMLItem() As XElement
+ Dim ret As New XElement("glicko")
+ ret.SetAttributeValue("name", Me.Name)
+ ret.SetAttributeValue("k", Me.K)
+ ret.SetAttributeValue("rd", Me.RD)
+ ret.SetAttributeValue("lastmatch", Me.LastMatch)
+ ret.SetAttributeValue("tier", CInt(Me.Tier))
+ Return ret
+ End Function
+ Private Shared Function erf(x As Double) As Double
+ 'Erf(x) approximation, max error 3e-7
+ Dim a1 As Double = 0.0705230784
+ Dim a2 As Double = 0.0422820123
+ Dim a3 As Double = 0.0092705272
+ Dim a4 As Double = 0.0001520143
+ Dim a5 As Double = 0.0002765672
+ Dim a6 As Double = 0.0000430638
+ a1 = a1 * x
+ a2 = a2 * (x ^ 2)
+ a3 = a3 * (x ^ 3)
+ a4 = a4 * (x ^ 4)
+ a5 = a5 * (x ^ 5)
+ a6 = a6 * (x ^ 6)
+ Return 1 - (1 / ((1 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6) ^ 16))
+ End Function
+ Private Shared Function CDF(x As Double, mu As Double, sigma As Double) As Double
+ Return 0.5 * (1 + erf((x - mu) / (sigma * Math.Sqrt(2))))
+ End Function
+ Private Shared Function StdNorm(x As Double) As Double
+ Return Math.Exp(-0.5 * (x ^ 2)) / (Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI))
+ End Function
+ Private Shared Function Norm(x As Double, mu As Double, sigma As Double) As Double
+ Return (1 / sigma) * StdNorm((x - mu) / sigma)
+ End Function
+ Public Shared Function Conf(a As Glicko, b As Glicko) As Double
+ Dim sum As Double
+ For i = 0 To 3000 Step 1
+ sum += Math.Max(Norm(i, a.K, a.RD) - Norm(i, b.K, b.RD), 0)
+ Next
+ Return sum
+ End Function
+End Class
diff --git a/PepperBet/PepperBet.vb b/PepperBet/PepperBet.vb
index 9311ea1..b92f856 100755
--- a/PepperBet/PepperBet.vb
+++ b/PepperBet/PepperBet.vb
@@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
Module Pepperbet
- 'This constant defines how RD increases over time, higher=faster
- Const c = 0.6
- 'Minimum RD (to ensure liquidity)
- Const RDmin = 30
- 'Defined as part of the Glicko system
- Const q = 0.005756462732485
'Seconds between updates
Const updatedelay = 2
- 'Upset RD maximum increase factor (infinite matches, as a fraction of RD)
- Const u = 0.5
- 'Upset RD increase fluke-factor, more matches creates less chance of a fluke
- Const f = 0.5
- 'Upset RD exponent, steepens modification curve with confidence
- Const e = 1.5
Const version As String = "1.9.12"
Const downloadurl As String = "https://long-cat.net/projects/pepperbet/pepperbet.exe?v=" & version
Const versionurl As String = "https://long-cat.net/projects/pepperbet/version.txt?v=" & version
@@ -24,6 +12,10 @@
Dim watching As Boolean = True
Dim autoupdate As Boolean = False
Dim lastupdatecheck As New DateTime(0)
+ Dim accuracies(10) As Double
+ 'These are the time constants for the exponentially weighted falloff
+ Dim accuracytimeconstants() As Double = {10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000}
Enum ModeTypes
@@ -888,242 +880,6 @@
End Function
- Private Class Glicko
- Enum Tiers
- Unknown
- Potato
- B
- A
- S
- X
- End Enum
- Property K As Double
- Private _RD As Double
- Property RD As Double
- Set(value As Double)
- If value < RDmin Then
- _RD = RDmin
- Else
- _RD = value
- End If
- End Set
- Get
- Return _RD
- End Get
- End Property
- Property Name As String
- Property LastMatch As Long
- Property Tier As Tiers = Tiers.Unknown
- ReadOnly Property TierString As String
- Get
- Select Case Me.Tier
- Case Tiers.A
- Return " A "
- Case Tiers.B
- Return " B "
- Case Tiers.Potato
- Return " P "
- Case Tiers.S
- Return " S"
- Case Tiers.X
- Return " X "
- Case Tiers.Unknown
- Return "U "
- End Select
- Return ""
- End Get
- End Property
- ReadOnly Property TierLetter As String
- Get
- Select Case Me.Tier
- Case Tiers.A
- Return "A"
- Case Tiers.B
- Return "B"
- Case Tiers.Potato
- Return "P"
- Case Tiers.S
- Return "S"
- Case Tiers.X
- Return "X"
- Case Tiers.Unknown
- Return "U"
- End Select
- Return ""
- End Get
- End Property
- '''
- ''' Updates this Glicko rating after a match. MAKE SURE TO COPY THE OPPONENT BEFORE UPDATING
- '''
- ''' Opponent that was faced
- ''' Did this Glicko win? Draw=0.5
- ''' Match number of this match
- '''
- Private Sub Update(opp() As Glicko, win() As Double, t As Long)
- Dim E As Double = 0
- Dim g As Double = 0
- Dim dsum As Double = 0
- Dim rsum As Double = 0
- For i = 0 To opp.Count - 1
- g = 1 / Math.Sqrt(1 + (3 * Math.Pow(q, 2) * Math.Pow(opp(i).RD, 2)) / Math.Pow(Math.PI, 2))
- E = 1 / (1 + Math.Pow(10, (g * (Me.K - opp(i).K)) / -400))
- dsum += Math.Pow(g, 2) * E * (1 - E)
- rsum += g * (win(i) - E)
- Next
- Dim dsq As Double = Math.Pow(Math.Pow(q, 2) * dsum, -1)
- Me.K = Me.K + (q / ((1 / Math.Pow(Me.RD, 2)) + (1 / dsq))) * rsum
- Me.RD = Math.Max(Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((1 / Math.Pow(Me.RD, 2)) + (1 / dsq), -1)), 30)
- Me.LastMatch = t
- End Sub
- Public Shared Sub UpdateBatch(a As Glicko, b As Glicko, Acount As Integer, Bcount As Integer, t As Long, Optional Dcount As Integer = 0)
- Dim total As Integer = Acount + Bcount + Dcount
- Dim Aresults(total - 1) As Double
- Dim aopps(total - 1) As Glicko
- Dim Bresults(total - 1) As Double
- Dim bopps(total - 1) As Glicko
- Dim upset As Boolean = False
- Dim confidence As Double = Conf(a, b)
- Dim tempb As New Glicko("", -1)
- tempb.K = b.K
- tempb.RD = b.RD
- For i = 0 To total - 1
- aopps(i) = tempb
- bopps(i) = a
- Next
- For i = 0 To Acount - 1
- Aresults(i) = 1
- Next
- For i = Acount To Acount + Bcount - 1
- Bresults(i) = 1
- Next
- For i = Acount + Bcount To total - 1
- Aresults(i) = 0.5
- Bresults(i) = 0.5
- Next
- If (Aresults.Average > 0.5 And b.K > a.K) Or (Bresults.Average > 0.5 And a.K > b.K) Then
- upset = True
- End If
- b.Update(bopps, Bresults, t)
- a.Update(aopps, Aresults, t)
- 'My custom RD-increasing function in case of upsets
- 'Note this increases after Glicko's decrease, so they oppose each other
- 'If upset = True Then
- ' 'U-factor is upset factor, the maximum possible increase in RD for a character if we trusted the results 100% accurately
- ' Dim aUfactor As Double = u * a.RD * (confidence ^ e)
- ' Dim bUfactor As Double = u * b.RD * (confidence ^ e)
- ' 'F-factor is the fluke factor, more rounds means it's less of a fluke and we should increase more
- ' Dim Ffactor As Double = 1 - (1 / (Aresults.Count + f))
- ' 'C-factor is the closeness factor, close matches are weighted less (5-0 more increase than 5-4)
- ' Dim Cfactor As Double = (Math.Max(Aresults.Average, Bresults.Average) - 0.5) * 2
- ' a.RD = Math.Min(350, a.RD + (aUfactor * Ffactor * Cfactor))
- ' b.RD = Math.Min(350, b.RD + (bUfactor * Ffactor * Cfactor))
- 'End If
- End Sub
- Public Shared Sub UpdateTiers(a As Glicko, b As Glicko)
- If Now.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Thursday And Now.Hour >= 18 And Now.Hour < 21 Then
- 'shaker classic
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If a.Tier = Tiers.Unknown And b.Tier = Tiers.Unknown Then
- Exit Sub
- ElseIf a.Tier = Tiers.Unknown Then
- a.Tier = b.Tier
- ElseIf b.Tier = Tiers.Unknown Then
- b.Tier = a.Tier
- ElseIf b.Tier = a.Tier Then
- Exit Sub
- Else
- a.Tier = Tiers.Unknown
- b.Tier = Tiers.Unknown
- End If
- Save()
- End Sub
- '''
- ''' Time-decays RD in preperation for a match
- '''
- ''' Current match number
- '''
- Public Sub Prep(t As Long)
- Me.RD = Math.Min(350, Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Me.RD, 2) + Math.Pow(c, 2) * (t - Me.LastMatch)))
- End Sub
- Public Sub New(name As String, t As Long)
- Me.K = 1500
- Me.RD = 350
- Me.Name = name
- Me.LastMatch = t
- End Sub
- Public Function GenerateXMLItem() As XElement
- Dim ret As New XElement("glicko")
- ret.SetAttributeValue("name", Me.Name)
- ret.SetAttributeValue("k", Me.K)
- ret.SetAttributeValue("rd", Me.RD)
- ret.SetAttributeValue("lastmatch", Me.LastMatch)
- ret.SetAttributeValue("tier", CInt(Me.Tier))
- Return ret
- End Function
- Private Shared Function erf(x As Double) As Double
- 'Erf(x) approximation, max error 3e-7
- Dim a1 As Double = 0.0705230784
- Dim a2 As Double = 0.0422820123
- Dim a3 As Double = 0.0092705272
- Dim a4 As Double = 0.0001520143
- Dim a5 As Double = 0.0002765672
- Dim a6 As Double = 0.0000430638
- a1 = a1 * x
- a2 = a2 * (x ^ 2)
- a3 = a3 * (x ^ 3)
- a4 = a4 * (x ^ 4)
- a5 = a5 * (x ^ 5)
- a6 = a6 * (x ^ 6)
- Return 1 - (1 / ((1 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 + a6) ^ 16))
- End Function
- Private Shared Function CDF(x As Double, mu As Double, sigma As Double) As Double
- Return 0.5 * (1 + erf((x - mu) / (sigma * Math.Sqrt(2))))
- End Function
- Private Shared Function StdNorm(x As Double) As Double
- Return Math.Exp(-0.5 * (x ^ 2)) / (Math.Sqrt(2 * Math.PI))
- End Function
- Private Shared Function Norm(x As Double, mu As Double, sigma As Double) As Double
- Return (1 / sigma) * StdNorm((x - mu) / sigma)
- End Function
- Public Shared Function Conf(a As Glicko, b As Glicko) As Double
- Dim sum As Double
- For i = 0 To 3000 Step 1
- sum += Math.Max(Norm(i, a.K, a.RD) - Norm(i, b.K, b.RD), 0)
- Next
- Return sum
- End Function
- End Class
Private Sub Save()
Dim thr As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf SaveDelegate)
diff --git a/PepperBet/PepperBet.vbproj b/PepperBet/PepperBet.vbproj
index a760851..85481e5 100755
--- a/PepperBet/PepperBet.vbproj
+++ b/PepperBet/PepperBet.vbproj
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@