Added code to display some info about the IHDR, pHYs, and tEXt chunks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,10 +24,13 @@
If Not FileIO.FileSystem.FileExists(filename) Then
Console.WriteLine("File {0} not found!", filename)
Exit Sub
End If
Dim fs As New IO.FileStream(filename, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
Dim fi As New IO.FileInfo(filename)
Dim sizedigits As Integer = Math.Ceiling(Math.Log10(fs.Length))
While Not fs.Position = fs.Length
Dim startposition As Long = fs.Position
@ -59,40 +62,54 @@
End If
Dim buf() As Byte
Dim lenbuf(3), nameanddatabuf(), databuf(), crcbuf(3) As Byte
Dim len As Integer
Dim chunklength As UInt32
Dim chunktype As String = String.Empty
While chunktype <> "IEND" AndAlso fs.Position <> fs.Length
ReDim buf(3)
len = fs.Read(buf, 0, 4)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White
'read chunk length
len = fs.Read(lenbuf, 0, 4)
If len <> 4 Then
Console.WriteLine("Incomplete chunk length header")
Exit While
End If
'big endian
chunklength = &H1000000L * buf(0) + &H10000L * buf(1) + &H100L * buf(2) + buf(3)
Console.Write("{0,10}:", chunklength)
'read and print chunk length and offset in the file
chunklength = BigEndianUInt32(lenbuf)
Console.Write("{0," & sizedigits & "} @ {1,-" & sizedigits & "}:", chunklength, fs.Position - 4)
ReDim buf(chunklength + 3)
len = fs.Read(buf, 0, chunklength + 4)
'read in the chunk data and type
ReDim nameanddatabuf(chunklength + 3)
ReDim databuf(chunklength - 1)
len = fs.Read(nameanddatabuf, 0, chunklength + 4)
'rewind and read only the chunk data
fs.Seek(-chunklength, IO.SeekOrigin.Current)
fs.Read(databuf, 0, chunklength)
'check for incomplete reads
If len <> chunklength + 4 Then
Console.WriteLine("Incomplete chunk data")
Exit While
End If
chunktype = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buf, 0, 4)
Console.Write(chunktype & " ")
Dim datachecksum As UInt32 = Crc32.ComputeChecksum(buf)
ReDim buf(3)
len = fs.Read(buf, 0, 4)
'get chunk type as string
chunktype = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(nameanddatabuf, 0, 4)
Console.Write(chunktype & " ")
'compute checksum of the chunk
Dim datachecksum As UInt32 = Crc32.ComputeChecksum(nameanddatabuf)
'read reported checksum and compare it to the file
len = fs.Read(crcbuf, 0, 4)
If len <> 4 Then
Console.WriteLine("Incomplete CRC data")
End If
Dim chunkchecksum As UInt32 = &H1000000L * buf(0) + &H10000L * buf(1) + &H100L * buf(2) + buf(3)
Dim chunkchecksum As UInt32 = BigEndianUInt32(crcbuf)
If chunkchecksum = datachecksum Then
@ -100,6 +117,10 @@
End If
'print info for some chunks
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray
PrintChunkInfo(chunktype, databuf)
End While
If extract Then
@ -110,6 +131,10 @@
End While
#If CONFIG = "Debug" Then
#End If
End Sub
Public Sub FindHeader(fs As IO.FileStream)
@ -128,6 +153,10 @@
End While
End Sub
Private Function BigEndianUInt32(ByRef buf As Byte(), Optional offset As Integer = 0) As UInt32
Return &H1000000L * buf(0 + offset) + &H10000L * buf(1 + offset) + &H100L * buf(2 + offset) + buf(3 + offset)
End Function
Public Sub CopyPart(srcfile As String, destfile As String, offset As Long, bytes As Long)
Dim srcfs As New IO.FileStream(srcfile, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.Read)
Dim destfs As New IO.FileStream(destfile, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write, IO.FileShare.Read)
@ -139,6 +168,110 @@
End Sub
Private Sub PrintChunkInfo(chunktype As String, ByRef data As Byte())
Select Case chunktype
Case "IHDR"
'image width
Console.WriteLine("width: {0} px", BigEndianUInt32(data, 0))
'image height
Console.WriteLine("height: {0} px", BigEndianUInt32(data, 4))
'bit depth
Dim bitdepth As Byte = data(8)
If {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}.Contains(bitdepth) Then
Console.WriteLine("bit depth: {0} bits/sample", bitdepth)
Console.WriteLine("bit depth: {0} bits/sample INVALID", bitdepth)
End If
'color types
Dim colortype As Byte = data(9)
Dim colortypename As String
Select Case colortype
Case 0
colortypename = "greyscale"
If Not {1, 2, 4, 8, 16}.Contains(bitdepth) Then
colortypename &= ", INVALID BIT DEPTH"
End If
Case 2
colortypename = "truecolor"
If Not {8, 16}.Contains(bitdepth) Then
colortypename &= ", INVALID BIT DEPTH"
End If
Case 3
colortypename = "indexed"
If Not {1, 2, 4, 8}.Contains(bitdepth) Then
colortypename &= ", INVALID BIT DEPTH"
End If
Case 4
colortypename = "greyscale with alpha"
If Not {8, 16}.Contains(bitdepth) Then
colortypename &= ", INVALID BIT DEPTH"
End If
Case 6
colortypename = "truecolor with alpha"
If Not {8, 16}.Contains(bitdepth) Then
colortypename &= ", INVALID BIT DEPTH"
End If
Case Else
colortypename = "UNKNOWN"
End Select
Console.WriteLine("color type: {0} ({1})", colortype, colortypename)
'compression method
If data(10) = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("compression method: 0 (deflate)")
Console.WriteLine("compression method: {0} (UNKNOWN)", data(10))
End If
'filter method
If data(11) = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("filter method: 0 (adaptive)")
Console.WriteLine("filter method: {0} (UNKNOWN)", data(11))
End If
'interlace method
If data(12) = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("interlace method: 0 (no interlace)")
ElseIf data(12) = 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("interlace method: 1 (Adam7)")
Console.WriteLine("interlace method: {0} (UNKNOWN)", data(12))
End If
'end IHDR
Case "pHYs"
Dim unitsaremetres As Boolean = (data(8) = 1)
If unitsaremetres Then
Console.WriteLine("pixels per unit, x: {0} px ({1:g} ppi)", BigEndianUInt32(data, 0), BigEndianUInt32(data, 0) * 0.0254)
Console.WriteLine("pixels per unit, y: {0} px ({1:g} ppi)", BigEndianUInt32(data, 4), BigEndianUInt32(data, 0) * 0.0254)
Console.WriteLine("pixels per unit, x: {0} px", BigEndianUInt32(data, 0))
Console.WriteLine("pixels per unit, y: {0} px", BigEndianUInt32(data, 4))
End If
If data(8) = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("units: 0 (unknown)")
ElseIf data(8) = 1 Then
Console.WriteLine("units: 1 (metre)")
Console.WriteLine("units: {0} (UNKNOWN)", data(8))
End If
Case "tEXt"
Dim keywordlength As Integer = Array.FindIndex(data, Function(x) x = &H0) - 1
Dim keyword(keywordlength - 1) As Byte
Dim textstring(data.Length - keywordlength - 1 - 1) As Byte
Array.Copy(data, 0, keyword, 0, keywordlength)
Array.Copy(data, keywordlength + 1, textstring, 0, data.Length - keywordlength - 1)
Console.WriteLine("keyword: {0}", System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(keyword))
Console.WriteLine("value: {0}", System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetString(textstring))
End Select
End Sub
Public Class Crc32
Shared table As UInteger()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user