So I’ve redone the back-end of the site a bit to now run from an SQLite database instead of flat files. The image thumbnails also do this. There’s (hopefully) no noticeable changes to you, if everything went well, but things are easier for me now. Next step I think is to finish making the site totally modular and reusable, to the point where I can publish it and let you guys download it. It’ll be a lot of work, but make things more extensible in the end.
Apart from that I’m on winter break for the next few weeks, so at least it’ll give me something to do. I’ll try to write more posts, I have some ideas for things to ramble on about. I’ve still got posts from 2012 on the front page.
Oh also plain text is gone, maybe back soon. Also RSS feed, I need one of those.
Yo just a heads-up, I’m way more active at streaming than I am at updating this site. You should go follow my channel, I stream there a few times a week. At the very least, I’m doing an OoT speedrun bingo every Saturday with a game of AI War right afterwards.
Oh I also recently got a new keyboard and mouse. My old ones were actually the last parts left over from my very first computer: a Compaq prebuilt from about ten years ago I think. For keyboard I went with Corsair’s K70 RGB with browns. Having a mechanical keyboard is really nice, especially when I go back to a rubber dome keyboard. Apart from that the lights are neat I guess, if a bit overkill for what I needed. I just wanted a mechanical keyboard but without any stupid programmable keys messing up the layout, and this works nicely.
For a mouse I got the SteelSeries Sensei Frost Blue. Here I just wanted a good mouse that didn’t have a bunch of buttons all over the place, didn’t look like some sort of futuristic car, and didn’t have a crappy rubber coating that would wear off and get a gummy. It was nice, but it emitted an annoying high-pitched whine, so I RMA’d it though Newegg and actually haven’t had it for like 2 weeks. Maybe it’ll get here this week, who knows.
I meant to just write a quick stream thing but I guess this got a little long. There’s actually a lot more I want to write and add to the site but it’s late. Maybe I’ll do that tomorrow.